Club Compluto accepts no liability in connection with the information obtained outside this web and which is not directly managed by our webmaster.
Club Compluto, with registered address at C/ Torrelaguna nº 11, 6ºB, 28007 Alcalá de Henares, MADRID. Incorporated on 21st November 1987 and registered before the Registry of Sports Associations of the Autonomous Community of Madrid, Clubs section, under registration number 140, in the Madrid Air Federation. Registered with the Sports Department of the Regional Government of Madrid and the Spanish Federation of Air Sports under No. 311 of the Federation Records, and with the Royal Spanish Aeronautical Federation, under No. C-197 of the Federation Records. The Tax Identification Number of the association is G-82670746
CLUB COMPLUTO (hereinafter "SKYDIVELILLO") makes available to Internet users the skydivelillo.com Website
Through the acceptance of this Agreement, you declare:
The access to and/or the use of the skydivelillo.com website is totally voluntary and whoever does so will become a USER. Any USER accepts, upon accessing the website, and subject to no reservations whatsoever, the contents of these “General Terms and Conditions of use”, of the “Data Protection Policy” and, if appropriate, any "Specific Terms and Conditions" that might complement, replace or amend them in any way in connection with the services and contents of the website and the online store. Consequently, the user must read carefully before accessing and using any service included in the Website under his/her entire responsibility.
The USER may access, print, download and save the General terms and conditions for use at any time. These terms and conditions will be permanently accessible at the website by clicking in the link Legal Terms and Conditions.
SKYDIVELILLO reserves the right to amend without prior notice the content of the Legal Terms and Conditions, and consequently, Users are encouraged to read such Terms and Conditions each time they access and use the SKYDIVELILLO.COM Website.
Furthermore, Skydivelillo reserves the right to change without notice the design, presentation and/or configuration of this website, as well as any or all of its services, and to add new services.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, SKYDIVELILLO reserves the right, at any time and without prior notice, to deny the access to this site to all those user who do not abide by any of these general terms and conditions of use or any applicable specific terms and conditions.
2.2. Object
These General Terms and Conditions regulate the access to and the use of the SKYDIVELILLO.COM website and online shop.
This website intends to be an Information Website and an Online Shop in connection with the different activities promoted by Club Compluto for the fostering of skydiving as a sport.
In this respect, SKYDIVELILLO makes available the website www.skydivelillo.com for all those Internet users who are also interested in Skydiving as a sport
SKYDIVELILLO will only give the data and/or information provided by the USER when such data and/or information do not contravene the regulations in force or these General Terms and Conditions of Use.
SKYDIVELILLO may remove without prior notice illegal contents from the Website, as well as those contents that might be considered inappropriate or that might infringe rights of third parties.
The USER acknowledges that it is impossible to guarantee a 100% availability of the SKYDIVELILLO.COM website. However, SKYDIVELILLO will make every effort to maintain at all times the availability of the website. Specifically, some short anomalies or the temporary suspension of the Services of the website may occur for maintenance, security or capacity reasons, as well as a result of events that go beyond the reach of SKYDIVELILLO (for instance, anomalies encountered by the public communications networks, electricity failures, etc.).
2.3. Obligations of Website users.
The USER agrees to carefully use the website and the services available through the website, abiding at alll times by the legislation in force, the principles of morality and these General Terms and Conditions of Use and, if appropriate, the Specific Terms and Conditions, and maintaining at all times due respect for the remaining users.
The rendering of the Services does not generally require the prior subscription or the registration of users Notwithstanding the foregoing, The use of some of the services is subject by SKYDIVELILLO to the prior completion of the relevant User Registration (individuals or companies) Form, by selecting the User ID and the Password, which the user agrees to maintain and use with the due diligence required.
The use of the password is a personal and non-transferable right, and it is not allowed to assign it to third parties, not even on a temporary basis. In this respect, the User must adopt the necessary measures required for the safekeeping of the password selected by him/her, preventing its use by third parties. Consequently, the User shall be held ultimately liable for the use of his/her password and shall indemnify and hold SKYDIVELILLO harmless in connection thereof. In the event that the User may suspect or become aware of the use off his/her password by third parties, SKYDIVELILLO should be informed of such circumstances as soon as possible.
The above-mentioned registration shall be carried out as expressly indicated by the service.
Any information provided by the User through the services shall be complete, true and correct . To that effect, the User guarantees the truthfulness of any information provided as a consequence of the completion of the forms required for the subscription to the Services.
Similarly, the User shall be responsible to maintain the information provided to SKYDIVELILLO continuously updated, so that it corresponds al all times to the actual situation of the relevant User. In any case, the user shall be solely responsible for any inaccurate statements or misrepresentations provided, and for the damages caused, either to SKYDIVELILLO or to third parties, as a result of the information provided.
The User agrees to abide by the applicable legislation and the rights of third parties in connection with the use of the contents and services of the Website. Similarly, the reproduction, distribution, transmission, adaptation or amendment, through any means and in any form whatsoever, of the content of the Website (texts, designs, graphics, information, databases, sound and/or image files, logos, etc.) and any other elements belonging to this site is absolutely prohibited, unless previously and expressly authorised by its legitimate holders, or when so required by the legislation in force.
Especially, the user may not: include slanderous or offensive contents, irrespective of whether such contents affect third party-individual or companies, include pornographic contents or any content which infringes the legislation for the protection of children, or advertise, offer or distribute pornographic products that infringe the legislation for the protection of children, annoy other users (especially through spam), use legally protected contents (e.g., by any Law related to intellectual property, patents and trademarks, utility models or aesthetic models) without the right to do so, or advertise, offer or distribute legally protected goods or services , as well as carrying out or promote any action which goes against free competition, including those aimed at the progressive acquisition of clients (including chain, snow-ball or pyramid schemes). The user shall refrain from doing any of the following actions:
The user is aware, and voluntarily accepts, that the use of the service will be only and exclusively sibject to his/her own responsibility.
The user will be held liable for any damages suffered by SKYDIVELILLO or any third party as a consequence of the nin fulfilment of any of the liabilities arisen as a consequence of these "General Terms and Conditions of Use" or by operation of the Law, in connection with the use of the Service.
2.4. Liabilities related to the insertion of advertising in SKYDIVELILLO.com
The user, through the insertion of information and/or images in the website SKYDIVELILLO.com, declares to be the legitimate holder off the industrial property rights and the copyright on the contents, in connection with the reproduction, distribution and public communication through any electronic medium, especially the Internet and the e-mail, on a worldwide basis and for any period of time.
In this context, the USER declares to have sufficient rights for the insertion of the information and/or images ikn the SKYDIVELILLO.com web site.
SKYDIVELILLO does not allow the insertion of contents that may deteriorate the quality of service. It is prohibited to insert any content that:
Similarly, SKYDIVELILLO reserves the right to remove from the Website those contents considered non appropriate for the characteristics and intentions of SKYDIVELILLO.com
SKYDIVELILLO cannot control each and every one of the contents published and, consequently, SKYDIVELILLO cannot assume any responsibility over the contents.
However, the contents inserted and published are subject to periodic reviews to guarantee the compliance with the principles of quality established by SKYDIVELILLO, as well as the rules stated herein.
In case that you consider that any of the contents included in the website is not appropriate, please contact us through our Customer Attention service: info@SKYDIVELILLO.com and/or by phone at (+34) 925170704
The users will be responsible for the obtaining of any kind of authorisation, permit or licence, if they were required for the preparation and publication of any content.
Any user who inserts any content which goes against the legislation in force will be exclusively responsible for any damages and consequences arising from such insertion, and will indemnify and hold SKYDIVELILLO harmless vis-à-vis any liability
2.5. Responsibility and divulging of contents, data and/or user information
The user expressly authorises SKYDIVELILLO to divulge the data concerning the contents uploaded to SKYDIVELILLO.
The user expressly authorises SKYDIVELILLO to change certain contents in an effort to maintain the graphic design of the web site or the remaining media used by the SKYDIVELILLO platform. Such rights and the license to use them are granted on a worldwide basis and for the legal term of protection of the user rights.
SKYDIVELILLO is not obliged to control, and actually does not control the use of the service by the users, and consequently, SKYDIVELILLO cannot guarantee that they are used in accordance with the provisions contained in the terms and Conditions, or in a diligent and/or prudent manner.
Furthermore, SKYDIVELILLO is neither obliged to verify, and does not verify, the identity of the users, nor the accuracy, validity, completeness and/or authenticity of the personal data provided by the users.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, SKYDIVELILLO reserves the right to restrict, either partially or in full, the access to the services by certain users, and to cancel, suspend, block or remove certain types of contents by means of the appropriate technological tools, in case that the become aware that the activity or the information stored are illegal or represent a damage for the properties or the rights of any third party. In this respect, SKYDIVELILLO may establish the filters deemed appropriate to prevent any illegal or harmful content from reaching the Internet through the service.
2.6. Exclusion of guarantees and liability
Unless in those cases expressly described in the General Terms and Conditions of Use and the remaining legal framework of the Website.
Furthermore, SKYDIVELILLO does not guarantee the availability, continuity or infallibility of the web site and, consequently excludes, to the maximum extent allowed by the legislation in force, any liability for damages of any kind that might be the result of the lack of availability or continuity of the Website and the services provided by it, or the errors detected when accessing to the different web pages or those web sites here such services are being rendered, if appropriate.
SKYDIVELILLO does not assume any responsibility for the contents, data and/or information provided by the Website users or the contents of the external websites available through links. Especially, SKYDIVELILLO does not guarantee that such contents are true, or that they will fulfil a determined aim, or that they will be able to serve this aim.
Furthermore, SKYDIVELILLO will not be responsible for the diverse opinions of its users expressed on the website, in forums, chats, and other participatory tools.
2.7. Links, links to third parties’ websites
SKYDIVELILLO includes within its contents links to sites belonging to/managed by third parties, to facilitate the access to information available through the Internet.
SKYDIVELILLO does not assume any responsibility arising from the existence of links between the contents of this site and other contents located outside this website or any other mention to contents external form this site. Such links have a merely informative nature, and do not imply any endorsement, approval, marketing or any relationship between SKYDIVELILLO and the individuals or companies that have created and/or manage such contents or thr owners of the sites where they are located.
2.8. Legislation and Jurisdiction
These General Terms and Conditions of Use and the remaining legal conditions of the Web site will be governed by the Spanish legislation.
In the event of any discrepancy or conflict as to the construction or application of these contractual terms and conditions, the Courts having jurisdiction, if appropriate, shall be those established by the applicable regulations in the context of competent jurisdiction that, in the case of end consumers, takes into consideration the place where the liability is to be complied with or the domicile of the purchaser.
The use of the service must be subject to the prior acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions of application to the use of the Forum that are included in the Legal terms and Conditions of SKYDIVELILLO.
3.1. General Terms and Conditions of Use of the Forum Service. Acceptance
These General Terms and Conditions of Use of the Forum Service (hereinafter, "the Terms and Conditions of Use of the Forum") regulate the rendering of the Forum service by SKYDIVELILLO and the conditions for the acceptance and use of the Forum service by its users.
The use of this service is subject to the prior completion of the registration form in the community of the www.SKYDIVELILLO.com website (through the “User access” link), and the prior acceptance of the Legal Conditions. Thus, the use of certain services entails the condition of user (hereinafter, the "User") of the SKYDIVELILLO.com Community and the Forum Service, and expresses the full and unreserved acceptance by the User of each and every one of the terms and conditions contained in the version published by SKYDIVELILLO upon the access to the service by the user.
The use of the Forum service is also subject to all the notices, codes of use and instructions notified to the User by SKYDIVELILLO.
SKYDIVELILLO reserves the right to change at any time the terms and conditions of use of the Forum. Such amended terms and conditions shall be valid as and when they are available to the users through the www.SKYDIVELILLO.com website. SKYDIVELILLO recommends verifying the Terms and Conditions each time that the forum is used, as they may have been the object of any amendments.
The provision to, and the user of the Service by the User shall be understood, in any case, subject to the strict compliance by the latter with the terms included in these Conditions.
If the User elects not to accept the Legal terms and Conditions and/or, if approrpiate, any terms and conditions that might be notified by SKYDIVELILLO in future, the user shall refrain from entering and/or using the offered Forum service.
3.2. Object and Description of the Service
The Object of these Terms and Conditions shall be the rendering of the Forum Service through the Internet. The Users, on a free of charge basis and subject to the prior validation of the assigned Username and password, may exchange access to, answer messages and, in general, chat with other Users of the service to express their opinions and exchange impressions related to the information, activities and services contained in www.SKYDIVELILLO.com or that can be accessed though such Service as well as other related issues of SKYDIVELILLO.
3.3. Access to the Forum Service
The Service will be accessed by means of an Username and a password or personal, non transferable key chosen by the user. The User shall be responsible for any consequences that might entail the infringement of the confidentiality and the improper use of the keys and access codes.
The service may be freely accessed by individuals of 14 or more. In the case of individuals under 14 years of age, the written consent of the parents or guardians will be required to access the Forum Service.
3.4. Liabilities of users
The user agrees to use the service in compliance with the legislation in force, this Terms and Conditions, the Legal terms and Conditions of the Web site and the generally accepted principles of morality.
Consequently, the user agrees to refrain from using the service for illegal purposes or effects that go against these Legal terms and Conditions of the Web site, or that might damage the rights or interests of third parties, or that may otherwise damage, render useless, overload or deteriorate the service and prevent the normal use of the service by the users. Especially, for illustration purposes and without limitation, it is forbidden to transmit, broadcast or make available to third parties through the service any information, messages, graphics, sound and/or image files, pictures, recordings, software and, in general, any kind of material, data or contents that:
A. May in any way harass, stalk, threaten or otherwise abuse other members of the forum or non related third parties.
B. Include obscene or objectionable contents that may be offensive for any third parties that might access them.
C. Divulge any content that may infringe or damage the rights of the others, including defamatory material or aany material whose content infringes any industrial property right or copyright.
D. Encourage others to infringe these Terms and Conditions, the General terms and Conditions of Use of the Website and other Legal Conditions contained in the www.SKYDIVELILLO.com web site.
E. Are published with the intention of impersonating any member of the team of SKYDIVELILLO.com or any other user, by means of a similar method of identification or any other method or device.
F. Are used for commercial, advertising or illegal purposes, as well as for the forwarding of junk mail, Spam, chains or mass distribution of unsolicited messages.
G. Infringe the regulations on the Secrecy of Communications.
H. The sale, promotion and distribution of services or products through the SKYDIVELILLO platform of forums is strictly prohibited.
On the other hand, SKYDIVELILLO reserves the right to remove and/or suspend any User of the services for non fulfilment of the Legal terms and Conditions and to delete, remove and/or suspend any message which includes any information described in the above categories A to G, even if it has not been stated in such categories, without the need for a prior or subsequent notice.
3.5. Disclaimer
Any messages and contents expressed by the Users in the Message Board created in this Web site exclusively reflect the opinion of their authors, and their content is their only and exclusive responsibility. SKYDIVELILLO will not be responsible for the messages sent by its users and also excludes any liability for any damages arisen as a consequence of the knowledge by third parties of the conditions, characteristics and circumstances related to the use of the Service by the Users, or that might be the result of thee access and, if appropriate, the interception, deletion, amendment or manipulation by third parties, either authorised or not, of the messages disseminated by the Users or made available to third parties through the message board system.
SKYDIVELILLO does not guarantee the availability, continuity or infallibility of the operation of the service and, consequently excludes, to the maximum extent allowed by the legislation in force, any liability for any damages that might arise as a consequence of the non availability or continuity of operation of the Web site and the services enabled at such site, as well as any errors occurred when accessing the different web pages or those sites where such services are being rendered, if appropriate.
3.6. Personal data
As indicated in paragraph 1 of the Conditions of Use of the Electronic Message Board, the access to and the use of the Board are subject to the prior acceptance of theses General Terms and Conditions of Use of the Message Board Service. SKYDIVELILLO hereby informs you that personal data shall be treated in accordance with the terms and conditions stated in the Personal Data protection Policy in force at the www.SKYDIVELILLO.com website, which users can find in the Legal Terms and Conditions.
Similarly, the user expressly accepts that any opinions expressed in the discussion boards of SKYDIVELILLO may be found and accessed through the Internet search engines.
The Users guarantee that the Personal Data provided are true, accurate, current and truthful, and abgree to keep them duly updated.
3.7. Safety Measures
Considering that any Safety Measures adopted in the Internet are not unassailable, and as far as the privacy and safety of use of the Message Board system are concerned, SKYDIVELILLO does not guarantee that any third party, either authorised or not, may become aware of the class, conditions, characteristics and circumstances of the use of the Service by the Users, or that they may access and, if appropriate, intercept, delete, change, amend or manipulate any messages and communications divulged by the Users or made available to third parties through such services.
SKYDIVELILLO authorises registered users of the service to use the industrial property rights and the copyright related to the software, which allows to maker use of the Characteristics of the Service, exclusively for their use according to these Conditions.
SKYDIVELILLO does not grant any other license or authorisation in connection with its copyright and industrial property rights, or in connection with any other property or right related to the Message Board Service included in this Web Site or its contents, than the one contained in the Statement of Copyright and Industrial Property Rights of the www.SKYDIVELILLO.com website, that can be found in the Legal Terms and Conditions.
3.9. Applicable Legislation
These terms and conditions are governed in their entirety by the Spanish Legislation.
The users may submit their suggestions or proposals for the improvement of the different information, activities and/or services contained and/or enabled in the website, forwarding them to the SKYDIVELILLO Customer Service, at info@skydivelillo.com
SKYDIVELILLO recommends their users to print and keep a copy of the Terms and Conditions of the Message Board Service stated above.
Please read carefully the terms and conditions that govern the skydiving activities carried out at SKYDIVELILLO. Should you have any questions, or if you want to clarify any point, do not hesitate contact us and we will be delighted to talk to you.
The purchase terms and conditions and the right of withdrawal applied by SKYDIVELILLO abide by the provisions of Law 3/2014, of 27th March, amending the consolidated text of the Consumers and Users Protection Act and other ancillary legislation, which was approved by Royal Decree-Law 1/2007, of 16th November.
4.1. Procedure for the purchase
The user acquires through the purchase process a voucher, which can be name specific or not, and which can also be used in other countries where SKYDIVELILLO operates, within the framework of the policy related tto changes, refunds and cancellations of the web site. The procedure for the purchase of services through the web site is as follows:
1.) The process is started by clicking on the "Purchase" button which appears under each product or service.
2.) Select the number of individuals who will carry out the relevant activity or service, as well as the date on which such activity or service will be carried out. Otherwise, the purchase can also be made without specifying a date, or even be made as a present. At the shopping cart, the User must complete the information requested, including name, e-mail address and phone number for the proper reception of the purchase order confirmation. Select any of the following available methods of payment: Payments with AMERICAN EXPRESS, VISA, VISA Electron, Maestro or MasterCard Credit/Debit Cards.
3.) In case that a discount or gift voucher is available, the User must include it in the shopping cart, in the area enabled for the introduction of the Voucher ("I have a discount voucher"). If the voucher is not entered in this area and the purchase order is processed with no discount, the User will not be entitled to claim the application of such discount once the Purchase Order has been confirmed.
4.) Then, click on the button "make payment ". The user will access one of the safe payment platforms, and the payment operation will come to an end.
5.) Finally, the User will received a confirmation that the Purchase Order has been accepted through a message displayed on the screen and by e-mail, at the account previously provided. All the products contained in the Website are sold on the basis of the available services of SKYDIVELILLO.
4.2. Prices and Methods of Payment
All the prices published on the Website managed by SKYDIVE LILLO are VAT exempted, according to Art 20.1.12 of the VAT Act 37/1992, as a result of the Condition of this Sports Association as a non-profitable Sports Club, whose main object is to promote the Sport of Skydiving. The User may pay for his/her purchases through a Bank Transfer, or through an AMERICAN EXPRESS, VISA, VISA Electron, Maestro or Mastercard Credit/Debit Card.
For payments made through Bank transfer, the User must make a transfer including the details provided by phone and e-mail. The message shall indicate the bank account number to which the transfer should be addressed, the amount and the reference that must be attached to expedite the process for the final acceptance of the purchase order. The purchase order shall be processed once the full amount of the order has been received, and the delivery term notified to the client will began upon the credit of the full amount into the bank account. The purchase order made through bank transfer will be valid for 48 hours. Any payment made after such period may be subject to changes related to the availability of the activity or prices.
SKYDIVELILLO reserves the right to request a copy, sent by fax or by e-mail, of the card used to make the purchase and the ID Document (ID Card, Passport,...) of the User, to confirm that the data provided are true, as well as a copy of the certificate evidencing the transfer made, in case that this has been the method of payment chosen.
4.3. Cancellations and refunds
SKYDIVELILLO reserves the right to accept or reject a purchase for any reason, including, without limitation, the non availability of any booking, a mistake in the price, the description or the image of the relevant product or service, or as a result of any other mistake incurred during the purchase process. In case that any purchase is cancelled, the payment of the full amount will be reimbursed through the same channel used when making the purchase, within a term of approximately 3 to 15 calendar days.
The buyer will be entitled to request a refund within a maximum term of 14 calendar days from the purchase date, irrespective of the service purchased through the Web site. This condition will not be applicable to those purchases made less than 14 calendar days before the date scheduled for the activity, in which case the client will not be entitled to claim the refund of the purchase amount once the purchase has been made.
The non-ability to attend the service purchased, or any mistake made at the time of the purchase will not be valid reasons to claim the refund. Purchases may only be cancelled, and the relevant amount refunded, in cases suchas the cancellation of the activities as a result of adverse weather conditions, in which case the user will be offered another date to perform the activities.
Any refunds that are the result of a mistake made by SKYDIVELILLO are excluded from the above. In such a case, SKYDIVELILLO agrees to change the activity or the service by a similar one, provided that it is available. In the event that such change cannot be made, the relevant amount shall be refunded. For refund handling, please contact us by phone, at the number 925170704 or by e-mail at the address info@SKYDIVELILLO.com.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, if for reasons attributable to the buyer, the buyer does not change his/her voucher on the date scheduled in the voucher for the relevant activity, the voucher shall be deemed expired and it cannot be changed, in which case the buyer of the voucher will not be entitled in any case too the refund of the amount paid.
In the specific case of a voucher purchased without a specified date, or when such voucher was purchased as a gift, either through e-mail or by means of a gift-box, the buyer will have a term of 90 calendar days after the purchase date to choose the date on which the activity will be carried out. Otherwise, the voucher will expire with no right to refund.
Starting on that date, a new grace period of 90 calendar days will be added, and the user, subject to the payment of 20% of the total purchase price, will be entitled to select another date for the carrying out of the activity, provided that the offer/price are still in force at SKYDIVELILLO. After such second grace period, it will be considered that tie Voucher is no longer valid, and the user accepts its expiry in an inexorable and indisputable way, without any right to refund.
On the contrary, if the buyer was unable to exchange the voucher before the expiry date, for reasons attributable to the provider of the activities or services, or to SKYDIVELILLO, the buyer may contact the Customer Service, which will offer an appropriate solution for such occurrence.
4.4. Purchase agreement documents
The information recorded by SKYDIVELILLO upon the time of the purchase is a proof of the different transactions made by and between SKYDIVELILLO and its customers. SKYDIVELILLO will keep in its files the electronic file where the agreement has been entered into.
The Agreement will be entered into in Spanish.
4.5. Specific terms and conditions applicable to Gift Vouchers
A SKYDIVELILLO gift card shall be understood as the purchase of a “gift voucher” in the section http://www.SKYDIVELILLO.com/tarjetas-regalo, which can be spent on a later date for the amount of the purchase for any of the activities and products available on the website at the time of the exchange.
Gift Vouchers are neither refundable nor transferable. Gift Vouchers are valid for a period on one year from the purchase date, and must be used within their validity period.
If as a result of extraordinary circumstances, the owner of a gift voucher is unable to use it, he will be given the option to extend the voucher for successive 3-moth periods starting on the expiry date of the voucher and/or transfer it to another person, paying a surcharge of 20% of the price of the voucher, upon making such extension, for each gift voucher and/or change to be introduced.
Gift vouchers issued by agencies that cooperate with SKYDIVELILLO cannot be extended under no circumstances, and must be used within their period of validity. Any claim which is related to vouchers issued by co-operating agencies must be filed before the agency where the voucher was purchased.
Tandem jumps are not skydiving courses. It is just a jump which practically does not require any prior training or stages (5-10 minutes) and the passenger just has to be acquainted with the activity and enjoy freefall.
As far as tandem jumps are concerned, it is necessary to have at least 16 years (with a written authorisation of the father/mother/Guardian in case of persons less than 18 years). The weight of the passenger may not exceed 100 kg. Certain specific wind conditions are required above 90 kg. To do a tandem jump, it is necessary to complete and sign an information card, including a statement of physical conditions and waiver to the exercise of legal actions.(anexo).
It is necessary to wear sport shoes (not trekking boots) and comfortable clothing. Gloves and warm clothes arte required for winter.
If you wish to full enjoy your jump, it is advisable you get enough sleep the night before the jump and avoid being under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
The time set for the appointment is the time at which we expect your arrival at the skydiving centre. Usually, the activity takes approximately two hours. However, these references as to the time of the activity are merely indicative and non binding. Skydiving is an outdoors activity, and consequently, it is subject to weather conditions. Safety is an absolute priority in skydiving and, for that reason, or for organisational reasons related to the drop zone, the schedule may experience changes, that may be significant.
If you wish to do a Tandem Jump, you must previously book it by calling any of these telephone numbers: 902 366 209 or 649 999 310, 649 999 311, 669 273 254 or 925 170 704 or through the online booking system of the SKYDIVELILLO.COM website.
If you wish to book by phone, a payment of 30 € per person shall be made, as reservation fee, through a credit card or to the account open to the name of Club Compluto with La Caixa, with the following account number:
IBAN ES69 2100 3667 9122 0002 1689
If you wish to make a deposit in our bank account, it is required, upon making the payment, to specify the reservation number assigned, or in its absence, the name, the number of jumpers and the date previously agreed for the jump, so that when the transfer is received, the reservation may be closed. This, it is not required to send the proof of payment beforehand, although it is necessary to carry it with us to the skydiving centre on the jump date so that the amount of the reservation fee can be deducted.
The date agreed for the jump will not be firmly reserved as long as the payment has not been made and received, and consequently, we recommend making to the payment, at the latest, on the day following the date on which the jump was booked by phone. Otherwise, there are other individuals or groups who could ask for that date may run fast and, despite the fact that the credit has been made, the derided date is no longer available (in that case, another date can be selected).
Any payments made to SKYDIVELILLO to perform any of our activities shall be considered as a deposit. This deposit will be lost if you do not come on the date agreed for the jump. If, after the payment of the deposit, you wish to change the date scheduled for the jump, you should notify it as soon as possible. In case of cancellation of the reservation, it will be necessary to notify it to the skydiving centre 72h beforehand. Otherwise, any payments made will be lost in their entirety.
The booking of a tandem jump only offer a priority on the time scheduled for the jump, and the reservation will never entail any contractual liabilities concerning the date, the time or the price of the tandem jump. The price of the tandem jump will be the price in force on the payment date.
If as a result of any agreement between the parties, or for adverse weather conditions that prevent the practice of the activity, the jump is cancelled on the date scheduled, a maximum, non-renewable term of three months will be set, starting on the date initially scheduled for the activity purchased. If for any reason, including the non availability of the individual or individuals who are doing the tandem or any other jump, this deadline is exceeded, the deposit made cannot be longer maintained, and will be finally lost.
If for any meteorological reason or otherwise, in the opinion of the instructors, and as a matter of safety, it is advisable to suspend the activity, such activity will be directly suspended. In such a case, those individuals who have booked a tandem jump may opt to choose a new date (subject to the availability of places and always within a period of three months) or recover the full amount of the deposit, at their option, and will waive any compensation whatsoever concerning any travel, accommodation or other expenses incurred. The priority for Skydive Lillo is the safety of our activities and those of our visitors.
The following statement must be signed by the passenger before the jump.
I hereby declare that I am in proper physical and mental conditions, and that I am not suffering any of the diseases or conditions listed below: pregnancy, epilepsy, convulsions, heart problems, severe mental illness, or addition to drugs or alcohol and I am not under the influence on such substances.
I declare that I do not weigh more than 100 Kg and, anyway, I am not overweight in relation to my age and height.
Similarly, I declare that I have never dislocated my shoulder before, and I understand and agree that I must raise my legs upon the tandem landing, so that my instructor may ground in the first place.
I ALSO DECLARE that I have no practiced scuba diving in the last 24 hours.
In the event that you suffer any of the following symptoms or conditions, you must necessarily inform about it to our centre, providing the relevant official medical certificate authorising the practice of skydiving: frequent faints, dizziness, amnesia, high blood pressure, chronic bronchitis, severe asthma, rheumatic fever, liver, kidney or lung diseases, disorders of the thyroid , adrenal or other glands, bones or joints diseases, blood disorders, severe anaemia, chronic ear diseases or sinusitis, or have suffered a severe wound in the head or any other condition which requires the frequent use of drugs. And in any case, any other disease or symptoms which could negatively affect the psychomotor capacity of the user.
I also DECLARE that I understand and accept the terms and conditions of the Skydiving jumps.
I fully assume and understand the risks involved by the practice of skydiving, and even though I acknowledge that extreme safety measures have been adopted by SKYDIVE LILLO, I assume each and every risk involved by the practice of this sport.
I acknowledge and assume the scope, nature and extension of the unavoidable risks involved by the practice of skydiving, and that such practice might entail all kinds of damages and minor and/or serious injuries, and even death. Even though I am aware of the diligent work and good practices implemented by the centre to avoid or minimise such risks, by any means available, I acknowledge and assume the existence of unavoidable risks necessarily entailed by the practice of any extreme sport, among them, the disoperation or failure of the equipment or its components, that prevent regulating its proper operation, defective equipment, or equipment which has been negligently designed or handled, or which has been inappropriately folded, incorrect assembly of the equipment pr misuse or bad manipulation of such equipment, either by the user, the instructors, the jump managers, pilots or ground staff, etc.
On the basis of the above, I hereby expressly and irrevocably waive the exercise of any right or action to defend my interests against this centre or any of its employees or staff, as a result of damages to property, injuries or death, even in the event that such circumstances have occurred as a result of a failure or negligence attributable to the centre and/or their managers, employees, staff or subcontractors. Similarly, I also waive, on behalf of my legitimate heirs, family or legal representatives, the exercise of any actions aimed at obtaining a compensation for the eventual damages, or even my own death, occurred as a consequence of the practice of this sport.
Copyright © 1987-2019 – SKYDIVELILLO All rights reserved
All the exploitation rights are hereby reserved.
This website is governed by the Spanish Legislation, and is protected by the Spanish and International Laws on copyright and Industrial Property Rights.
The texts, designs, images, database, logos, structure, trade marks and other elements of this site are protected by the International Laws and Treaties on copyright and Industrial Property Rights.
Any reproduction, transmission, adaptation, translation, amendment, divulging to the public, or any other use of a part or the whole content of this site, in any form or through any electronic, mechanical or other means, are strictly prohibited, unless previously authorised in writing by SKYDIVELILLO or third parties that are entitled to do so. Any infringement of such rights may entail the relevant civil or criminal proceedings of a judicial or extrajudicial nature.
SKYDIVELILLO does not grant any license or authorisation of any kind in connection with the use of its copyright and industrial property rights or any other property or right related to the web site, its contents or the services rendered through it.
The legitimacy of the industrial or intellectual property rights on the contents provided by the users shall be their exclusive liability.
For the purposes of preserving any eventual intellectual property rights, in case that any USER considers that his/her legitimate rights have been violated as a result of the introduction of a specific content in the web site, he/she must notify such circumstance in writing to SKYDIVELILLO, Aeródromo de Lillo, carretera de Lillo al Romeral s/n, 45870 Lillo, (TOLEDO) stating:
This data protection policy regulates the access to and the use of the services of the www.SKYDIVELILLO.com website, (hereinafter, "SKYDIVELILLO") which Club Compluto makes available, free of charge, to those internet users interested in such services and contents (hereinafter, the "Users").
In accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on the Protection of Personal Data (hereinafter, LOPD), SKYDIVELILLO, as the owner of the Website, informs the users about the existence of personal data files created by SKYDIVELILLO and kept under its responsibility.
SKYDIVELILLO fully complies with the current legislation with regard to the protection of data of a personal nature and the confidentiality agreements typical of such activities.
If the user chooses to register at SKYDIVELILLO.com, only those data that are strictly required to achieve the goals to which our website is aimed, i.e., provide information and sell products and services related to sports skydiving among users interested in its products and/or services.
To that effect, users must complete a form, including their personal information. The processing of such information shall be only aimed towards the fulfilment of such goals, always within the regulatory framework established.
The data provided by the user will be incorporated into a personal data filed which has been duly registered with the Spanish Data Protection Agency.
The information about users who have registered through the form established to that effect in www.SKYDIVELILLO.com is collected by SKYDIVELILLO, for the following purposes:
7.3. Compulsory or voluntary nature of the information provided by the user. Accuracy of the information
The fields marked with an asterisk (*) in the registration form to be completed by the user are strictly required to process the application, while the introduction of data in the remaining fields has a voluntary nature.
The user guarantees that the personal data provided to SKYDIVELILLO are true, and assumes the responsibility of informing about any eventual change.
The data collected are adequate, relevant and not excessive in connection with the scope, the purpose and the specific, explicit and legitimate services rendered by SKYDIVELILLO.
The user guarantees that all the information of a personal nature which has been provided by him/her is true and updated, and consequently accurately reflects the actual situation of the user. The user will be obliged to keep this information updated at all times, and the user will be solely responsible for the non-accuracy or non truthfulness of the information provided and the eventual damages caused to SKYDIVELILLO or to a third parties as a result of the use of the services offered by SKYDIVELILLO.
By completing the form and clicking to send the information, the user declares to have read and expressly accepted the legal terms and conditions of SKYDIVELILLO and unambiguously and expressly consents the treatment of his/her personal data, in accordance with the purposes stated and the services rendered by SKYDIVELILLO.
Similarly, the User agrees that, upon registration and/or performing any activity with SkydiveLillo, his/her pictures and user profile will be publicly accessible for the remaining users of SKYDIVELILLO and/or their profiles/pages in social media, as well as in the different Internet search engines.
The user expressly assigns his/her data to other SKYDIVELILLO users as well as those entities that use the services of SKYDIVELILLO to find users who are interested in them.
7.5. Information provided by minors
Individuals over fourteen years may register as SKYDIVELILLO users, and the prior consent of their parents or guardians shall not be required.
In the case of children below the age of fourteen years, the consent of their parents or guardians will be required for the processing of their personal data.
In no event information regarding the professional or financial situation or the private life of the remaining members of the family will be obtained through the minor, without the consent of such members.
If you are under 14 years and have arrived at this website without informing your parents you should not register as user.
7.6. Electronic communications
The completion and forwarding of the electronic form of SKYDIVELILLO.com entails the express consent of the user to the forwarding of a newsletter including news and significant information about the website and the sectors related to the services rendered by it.
SKYDIVELILLO has provided two methods that may be used by those users who so request it to amend or delete such services in an easy, quick and free manner.
To that effect, the user must enter the access menu and disable the “send” option in the electronic communications section. They may also unsubscribe this service following the instructions provided at the footer of the electronic communications.
SKYDIVELILLO informs its users that all technical and organisational measures required by the law have been implemented to guarantee the safety of the personal data and prevent their alteration, loss, unauthorised processing or access, considering the current state of the art, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed, in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 1720/2007, of 21 December, approving the Regulations that implement Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on the protection of personal data and other control procedures for the security of information systems.
The user accepts the use of cookies and IP address tracing. Our traffic analysis tool uses cookies and tracing of IP addresses, which allows collecting information for statistical purposes, including: date of the first visit, number of visits, date of the last visit, URL and domain of origin, web explorer used and display resolution. However, the user may enable/disable these cookies following the instructions of his/her web browser.
SKYDIVELILLO does not use any "spamming" techniques and will only process those data transmitted by the user through the electronic form enabled at this site and the e-mail messages.
7.9. Right to access, rectify and delete the data
The user is entitled to access to this information, to rectify it, in care that it is not accurate, and unsubscribe the services rendered by SKYDIVELILLO.
These rights may be exercised through the configuration of the website. If any problems are encountered for their online effective implementation, and to solve any doubts or controversy related to our data protection policy, please refer to:
Aeródromo de Lillo
Carretera de Lillo al Romeral s/n
45870 LILLO,
Or by e-mail to mailing@skydivelillo.com
The processing of personal data and the electronic forwarding of commercial newsletters are carried out in accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on the Protection of Personal Data (B.O.E 14 December 1999) and Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Services of Information Society and Electronic Commerce (B.O.E. 12 July 2002) and their implementing Regulations.
7.10. Amendment of this Data Protection Policy
SKYDIVELILLO reserves the right to amend this policy to adapt it in line with future legislative or jurisprudential developments.
This Data Protection Policy and the remaining legal terms and conditions of the website shall be governed, in all material aspects, by the Spanish legislation.